Tips and Tricks for Decorating a Graduation Cap
It is that time of year! Students become graduates! It is an exciting time and can be very stressful when picking out an outfit for the graduation ceremony, not even to mention [...]
Finals Study Tips and Tricks!
As Finals come closer and closer we decided to follow our Midterms Studying tips and tricks blog with some more for Finals week. Since many of us struggle with studying, preparing and [...]
The History and Importance of Earth Day
April 22nd for most people, is just another day. Like any day, you expect to wake up, go to work, have dinner, and go back to sleep. While all of this is [...]
Where To Donate Gently Used Items
Getting rid of belongings in general is a hard task, much less trying to find a place to bring them so that they can be repurposed can be even harder! In the [...]
Trash Services That Recycle
With the increase in greenhouse gasses and other pollutants that are continuing to contaminate our planet, It is critical that we put more effort into recycling and our trash habits. There are [...]
Volunteering Options in Montgomery County
Contact Us! (931) 221-7500 wilsonm@apsu.edu Whether you need the hours for an assignment, for TN Promise, or just feel like volunteering, there are close to [...]
How You Can Help The Environment
The rise in greenhouse gasses is becoming more concerning with each passing day, and with that the need to be more environmentally friendly is starting to look more like a necessity rather [...]
Origin Of The Scavenger Hunt
Click the image to learn more about Elsa Maxwell! With the ongoing scavenger hunt that we are hosting, it got us thinking a little bit- how did scavenger [...]