Veteran Reconnect – APSU GIS Center
As part of the APSU Computer Science Department’s internship requirement I was assigned to Geographic Information Systems Center (GIS Center). Apart from needing the course for graduation, it offers the student to contribute to worthy [...]
Yoast Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Yoast Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Purpose I began work on improving the Yoast Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ratings for the APSU GIS website. My goal was to increase the readability and keyword ratings of existing [...]
Creating the Eclipse Story Map
To create the Story Map Tour I went to http://storymaps.arcgis.com/en/ and signed in then scrolled down and clicked “Create a Story” choosing the map tour option. I then chose the import option that best suited [...]
Training – GIS Basics (Overview)
Training - GIS Basics Our goal is to provide training to you and your organization regarding the basics of GIS terminology and functionality Our GIS Basics Course can be taught at both our Clarksville Offices or [...]
Unmanned Aerial Systems in the United States
Unmanned Aerial Systems From at least 1900 - present, UAVs have typically been used by various military organizations around the world. Examples include an early remote boat/torpedo invented during the Spanish-American War. Immediately prior to [...]
Cumberland Chapter URISA Meeting – January 9-10, 2017
The Cumberland Chapter of URISA 4th Annual Meeting and Workshops! Join us in Clarksville, TN on January 9-10, 2017 REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR: Our 4th annual meeting will take place on Monday, January 9, [...]
Random Articles of Interest
Articles of Interest Python Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python
ArcGIS 10.x and Python
ArcGIS Python Resources As ESRI has released updated versions of ArcGIS, python has played a more prominent roll. Python is particularly powerful for process automation. In the current release of ArcGIS 10.x, python can be [...]