Server Maintenance – 6-20-20
All GIS Center services will be taken offline at 9:00 pm on Saturday, June 20th for maintenance. We anticipate our services should be back online by 8am on Sunday at the absolute latest. If you [...]
Server Issues – 6-15-2020
Hello all, We are currently experiencing server issues at this time. We are working with our campus IT department to resolve the connectivity issues. All of our map services may be affected. At this time, [...]
The Importance of Drone Mapping
The APSU GIS Center uses drone mapping frequently. But what is drone mapping? And why does it matter? Photogrammetry Drones play an important role in how maps are made today. Maps are created with photogrammetry. [...]
APSU GIS Center and the Coronavirus
Everyone, I hope that this message finds you and your family safe in these trying times. I wanted to touch base with you regarding our coronavirus work and policies at the APSU GIS Center. The [...]
The GIS Center VR Tour utilizes some of the best technologies to immerse yourself in a new environment to explore. The day to day reliance on photographs and the lack of depth is now over. [...]
APSU Tactile Map
As a person with sight, the idea of being placed in a new and unusual environment is daunting enough. Now imagine having a disability that limits your ability to see where you are at. That [...]
The Power of Story Maps
The old adage is “a picture is worth a thousand words” and that holds especially true in GIS and Geoscience fields. Any professional path that involves analyzing data or supporting decision makers will run into [...]
Website Redesign
Goal I, Han Kim, was given the task of updating the design of our APSU GIS website. From first glance, the website looks great, and looks like something any business owner may be proud of, [...]